To sustain the mission and ministry of our church, we believe in the shared participation of every member. Your time, talent and treasure are essential to the work God calls us to do. This page offers several ways for you to give your gift of treasure, which helps provide financially for our church.

Our online church management system, Realm gives you control of your credit giving. You may do a one-time donation to one or more funds, or set up a secure account for automatic recurring donations. You will receive an e-mail for each donation along with instructions for managing your account and accessing reports. For more information or help, contact the church office at St. Peter's.
Click the button below for St.Peter's secure online giving page.
Realm text giving uses the same form as online giving. Text "sprock" to 73256 to give using your mobile device. This number will never send unsolicited texts to you. To cancel further messages, text STOP. If you need assistance with text giving, text HELP. Standard text message and data rates may apply.
Bank bill pay
This is our preferred method of giving. Zero cost to you and to St. Peter's!
Set up an automated bill pay on your bank's website or at your local bank. A check will be sent whenever you schedule.
Offering Plate
You may place your check in the offering plate. Or if you prefer to give cash in an envelope, please write your name on it so we can record your gift.
If you're out of town or on the go, simply drop a check in the mail to the church.
Stock transfer
Please contact the church office to confirm a transfer directly from your brokerage account that will maximize your gift and tax advantage.
We request that all our members make a yearly gift commitment to support the church. You may do this by dropping a Pledge Card in the offering plate or by submitting the information online using the form below.
The sum of pledges is used by the Vestry to determine the operating budget for the fiscal year and contributions will be applied to the General Operating Fund.
IMPORTANT: This online form can only be used by parishioners that have a profile in Realm, our church management system. This form does not require you to sign into Realm but you must use your email address on record.